

The company GK All About Entertainment was founded in 1988 in Nurnberg, Germany. Our goal was the placement and renting of electronic entertainment toys in professional spaces.
From 1993 we created and applied a multidimensional model of free time exploitation, which includes the studying and design of places with special marking, a separate promotion construction and toy machines.
In 1998 we started importing and exporting electronic machines, software and money change machines. From 2006 we have the exclusive representation for the companies Merkur Gaming L.T.D. and GeWeTe of Gauselmann group in the Greek and Cyprus market. We have modern Disney game machines, simulation games and other educational and entertaining game machines. From 2019 we also started selling branded accessories and toys to all kinds of premises such as kiosks, mini markets and similar stores.

Having our client’s best interest always in mind we cooperate with him in order to find a personalized solution that meets his unique needs. That is why we are always looking for new ideas in design, development and provision of high quality services and products.We also constantly research the market and guarantee new steady co-operations with well-established companies in order to always be able to provide the best solutions for our clients.
In that way our constant effort for constructing mutual and fair relationships with our providers and our associates and our after sales support build solid relationships based on trust and high quality services.

Fleming Av. 45, 19009 Rafina    

+30 22940 79759    


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ΑΡ. ΓΕΜΗ: 067622303000