In GK All About Entertainment we study every situation separately in order to provide personalized solutions for every professional space according to its unique needs, size and visitation. In this way, we plan and suggest special constructions with special marking and equipment in order to place the toy machines of your preference. This maximizes the promotion of the machines and increases visitation of your space and profits for your business.

We also rent our game machines for business events and provide technical support for the days of the rental. You can ask for a tailor made look of the game machines includind design, print and installation with the desired theme and brand.

We provide high quality after sales support to make you feel insured. In case of co-operation we provide technical support and service on the spot in maximum 24 hours from the time the damage is decklared, without any cost for you. We can also renew and refurbish older game machines and make them look as new.